Shrewsbury School

Our offering is supported by over 470 years of educational expertise from Shrewsbury School, UK, one of the world’s most successful schools.

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Clementine Painting
Ambitious standards

We adhere to high standards set by Shrewsbury School, UK, ensuring quality in all we do and we expect the same high standards from our pupils.

First Class Faculty

Our teachers are committed professionals with the highest levels of qualifications, training and experience.

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Support for the individual child

We have very low pupil to staff ratios and small class sizes, providing world-class care for every child.

Coding Class
Success in Life

We prepare pupils to be successful in life and to help others be successful in theirs.

New Primary School

New building contains a wide range of specialist teaching spaces.

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Primary School opening 2024

Secondary School 

© 2023 Shrewsbury International School Phnom Penh